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Council 4902 was Chartered by the Knights of Columbus Supreme on February 14, 1960 in the Diocese of Superior Wisconsin, part of District 81. As of January 1, 1972 there were 104 members to the Council. The Council was organized by Fr. Higgins and Grand Knight John Murray, and met in St. Bridget’s School Hall in River Falls, Wisconsin.

The Council from the beginning has been active in support of the Right to Life movement and legislation related to abortion and parochial school aid. The Council started receiving communion in a body on the fifth Sunday of ta month and continues to do that to this date.

The Council had in the past organized a softball team as well as a bowling team. The Council in the late 1960’s sponsored a basketball tournament for many years.

The Council moved from meeting in the School to purchasing the old rectory building which became the Council Chambers until 2016, when the house was sold and the Council moved the chambers into the basement of St. Bridget’s Parish where it is today. Our Council meets on the 2nd Monday of each month.

Pictoral History

New Council Chambers in lower level of St. Bridget’s Church.