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August 8 – 11, 2024

Wow! What a year at this year’s Fair. The weather was wonderful, we had a great group of volunteers from the Parish, School, Youth group, Martha’s quilters and Women’s Ministry. Thank you to all who came out and helped with a shift and spent time in fellowship each other. We had a very successful year this year. The pork chops on a stick were a really big hit as we sold out on Saturday evening and had to get more for Sunday. A good problem to have. May God bless each of you for all you do an all you are.

August 10th – 13th, 2023

This year was another successful fundraiser for the Council. Thanks to all our wonderful volunteers from the Parish, School and our members for signing up for one or more shifts. The fair presented some challenges with stormy weather on Friday night, but it passed through fairly quickly and we were busy shortly afterwards again. A lot of socialization during the time spent together in the food booth along with raising money for good causes.

Pierce County Fair volunteer signup at the information booth. Brothers Roy Plana, Ron DeCoux and Bob Casey helping signup KC and Parish members for the Food Booth. Great work guys.

Our Fair food booth. Located on the grounds of the Pierce County Fair grounds. We prep the facility for the weekend with the help of our members and faith formation team to clean up and get everything lined up to sell food during the fair weekend. Our largest fundraiser that we take as an organization where the funds we raise help us to provide charitable donations to our Parish, individuals, and local organizations such as the River Falls Food Pantry, Options for Women and others.

Over the years, the Council has sold a variety of products at the fair, including brats, hot dogs, queens apples, loaded baked potatoes, grilled pork chops, Ellsworth Cheese Curds, French fries, funnel cakes, slushies, coffee, soda and water to name just a few. In the past two years we have cut down on the menu options, but have been successful in raising funds to support our charitable giving. We have a lot of fun, while at the same time do some work in the process. Below are photos of setup, cooking and fair participant’s enjoying the food items.

2023 Work Crew. In June 2023, Council members got together at the food booth to do some retrofit of the booth. They took out the old grill used to fry the pork chops and replaced it with a new one. Removed the stove and a refrigerator, and added stainless steel counters along the wall next to the new pork chop fryer. The center counter was cut down a little to make some room to extend the warmer for the cheese curds and funnel cakes to allow for the addition of a second funnel cake fryer. Thanks to Brothers Scott Bjork, Scott Lindall, Tim Wilson, B.J. Grant and Dave Andrea.

2023 volunteer pictures.

Past years photo’s.