Refund Support Vocations program. The Knights of Columbus stand in solidarity with our Priests and religious.
Keep the faith alive by supporting our seminarians and postulants. As the strong right arm of the church, Knights of Columbus are committed to providing moral, financial and spiritual support to our future priests and religious at all stages of their formation.
Support of our Seminarians is done in several ways. We pray for each of them as they attend their formation program in college and theology, as well as provide funds to help with their costs. The Council uses funds raised primarily through the PKD paid with our dues and the Pierce County Fair, which is our largest fundraiser. Over the years we have supported a number of seminarians, several of which have served in our Parish as associates, and as pastor. Fr. Richard Rhinehart and Fr. Joseph Stefancin are the two most recent.
Please pray for our three seminarians Julian Druffner, Isaiah Schick, and Dan Tracy who will be ordained to the to the sacred order of Priesthood this May 28th 2023 in Superior WI.