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Dad – God’s Call

God calls all men to fatherhood … to nurture and guide the children in their lives just as our heavenly Father loves and guides us!
Join us for the Knights for Dads Rally, featuring:

Matt Birk, Super Bowl Champion, NFL All-Pro, husband, father, Harvard graduate
Mark Berchem, Founder/President of Catholic NET Ministries and author of “Step Up Dad! Your Kids Need You.”

8:30 am – 1:00 pm Saturday, Feb. 24 at St. Bridget Church in River Falls.
Presentations, small group discussions, and helpful take-home materials.
Lunch and book provided; no charge, but freewill offerings gratefully accepted.

REGISTER TODAY: Bring a friend!

Hosted by Knights of Columbus Councils at St. Bridget River Falls, St. Mary’s Big River and St. Patrick Hudson.