Women – encourage your men!
Calling all women to encourage the men in your life to attend a free half-day program to help them nurture and guide the children in their lives, We invite all men – married and single, young, old and in between.

Knights for Dad’s Rally
8:30 am – 1:00 pm Saturday, February 24, 2024
St. Bridget’s Church in River Falls
Matt Birk, Super Bowl Champion, NFL All-Pro, husband, father, harvard graduate, Pro-Life supporter.
Mark Berchem, Founder/President of Catholic NET ministries. Author of ‘Step Up Dad! Your Children Need You!
Hosted by Knights of Columbus Councils at St. Bridget River Falls, St. Mary’s Big River and St. Patrick’s Hudson
REGISTER TODAY: SignUpGenius.com/go/KnightsForDads24; Bring a friend!