Just for men – and it’s free!
What involves football, parenting and a free lunch?
The Knights for Dads Rally at St. Bridget Church in River Falls!
Fatherhood: Man’s Highest Calling 8:30 am – 1:00 pm Saturday, February 24, 2004
Includes Mark Berchem’s book; freewill offerings gratefully accepted.
Presentations, small group discussions, and helpful take-home materials so you can be the man God intended you to be! Open to all men and all faith traditions.
Matt Birk, Super Bowl Champion, NFL All-Pro, Knight of Columbus, husband, father, Harvard graduate, Pro-Life supporter.
Mark Berchem, Founder/CEO of Catholic NET Ministries, husband, father, author of “Step Up Dad! Your Kids Need You.”
Hosted by Knights of Columbus Councils at St. Bridget River Falls, St. Mary’s Big River and St. Patrick Hudson
REGISTER TODAY: SignUpGenius.com/go/KnightsForDads24 and bring a friend!