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Knights of Columbus Council 4902 is a Catholic Fraternal organization committed to helping the Catholic men of our community to build a family on a solid ground. God called each of us to love our wives, raise our children and provide for our family in good times and bad. We are called to lead in Faith in all we do.

The Knights of Columbus is here to help. The organization offers Catholic faith formation, financial protection, and family resources that can help you grow as a father, husband, and leader. With the Knights, you can become the man you want to be — and your family needs.

Our Council is named after Bishop Joseph John Annabring who served the Superior, WI Diocese from 1954 – 1959. Council 4902 was established February 14, 1960 as the 141st Council in the state of Wisconsin. Our First Grand Knight was John Murray, and the Pastor, Joseph Higgins. The Council has been active and growing with new members and opportunities to grow in faith together as a fraternal organization. We are based out of St. Bridget’s Catholic Church in River Falls, WI. We have our monthly business meetings on the 2nd Monday of each month at 7:00 pm and gather at 6:30 pm to pray the Rosary of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary together, or view relevant videos such as the “Into the Breach” series, with discussion following. We gather in the Council chambers in the lower level of St. Bridget’s Church.

Please check out the Knights brochure that identifies some of the events we participate in and the types of things that we do. This was put together by Brother Doug Weiss. KC brochure

If you would like to learn more about the Knights of Columbus Council 4902, what we do, how we support each other, our Faith community and our local community, please contact our Financial Secretary Doug Weiss at 715-452-2355 or email Doug at