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A goal of the Knights of Columbus is to strengthen men and their families in the Catholic faith. Formation in our faith goes beyond mere facts or religious practice to an authentic connection with a loving God and his son Jesus Christ. Council 4902 has several programs that we offer to our members as well as our Parish family to help in this area.

Programs that are offered by Supreme and that the Council participates in include Pilgrim Icon program, Holy Hour, Refund Support Vocations (RSVP), Into the Breach video series and Sacramental Gifts. We are all called to participate and enhance our faith through these programs.

Rosary – As Knights of Columbus, we turn to the gentle and glorious Virgin Mary, our Queen and our Mother. The Order is entrusted to the protection of the Blessed Mother under her title: Our Lady of Guadalupe.

Mary’s love encircles us, drawing us closer to her Divine Son. Under the mantle of her protection we take up her Holy Rosary. We encourage each of our members to carry their rosary with them and pray the rosary often. We gather each month before our Council business meetings and pray the rosary together as a group. Each Sunday, we are encouraged to join with our Parish and pray the rosary together at 8:45 am prior to the 9:30 am Mass.

How to Pray the Rosary brochure.